
Brett B. Crawford School #2
Tipitapa, Nicaragua
View Donor Impact Report
There were 129 students enrolled in the Tipitapa school that was built by parents after the community was destroyed by a flood. The school was made of pieces of scrap metal and small wooden logs to hold up the roof and walls. The dirt floor turned into mud in the rainy season and attracted bugs in the summer months. There were no doors or windows.
Despite these very severe conditions, 6 amazing teachers came to teach these kids to read, write, and dream each day. Their commitment comes from the belief that education can break the cycle of poverty in Nicaragua. Please join us to help “Make Education Possible” and build a new school to help these kids get a basic education.
As a response to the Tipitapa community’s enthusiasm and support for education, the Foundation built Brett’s second school to provide real classrooms for the children. The school was inaugurated in a major celebration in February of 2014. The current enrollment is over 200 students. The grand opening of the school can be seen on the following link.
Overview & Results:
- 4 Classrooms
- 3 Washrooms
- 1 Sports Area
- Classroom Tools (Desks, Chairs, Whiteboards)
- Kindergarten: 30 boys, 32 girls
- Grades 1-6: 90 boys, 92 girls
- Total: 244 students