The Brett Bentley Crawford Foundation is thrilled to partner with SchoolBOX to build the Brett #7 School in the community of Las Noventas in Chinandega, Nicaragua in 2019. The children of Las Noventas did not have any school in their community until a teacher named Gema Picado began teaching there with a small salary paid by the Ministry of Education. With no available building to teach in, the community banded together to build a wooden rancho with a sheet metal roof that would serve as the school. The tiny school has grown so much that 71 children now attend classes there, forcing three teachers to share one whiteboard and the few chairs they have among all of the children. The community is resilient, and full of hope that with a new school their children will have a fighting chance at breaking the cycle of poverty.
Brett #7 School Build
3 Classroom Construction (with electrical system)
Classroom Tools (Desks, Chairs, Whiteboard)
Total Project Cost: $59,400 USD
For more information on the project, please click below to view the project proposal:
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